Sales case: Motor for retrofitting Fiido e-bikes

Client Background

John PaulBacani is a customer from the UAE who runs a local electric bike repair store specializing in repairing electric bikes and sometimes helping locals modify their electric bikes. He contacted us through the lunyee website on March 8, 2022, looking for a more powerful motor for a customer who wanted to convert a Fiido e-bike.

Customer Needs

John PaulBacani's customer was not satisfied with the raw speed of his electric bikes, and his customer needed a faster, more powerful motor to provide a more exciting riding experience. John PaulBacani needed a motor that could meet these usage requirements. He required a motor that met the 72v 4500w and 120km/h speed requirements, in addition to a motor with disc brakes on both sides. He also wanted a motor with consistent performance and high quality that would provide a long-lasting riding experience.

Program Recommendations

Our business team was very attentive to John PaulBacani's needs and actively searched for the best solution for him. After discussing various options, we recommended a motor that met all of his requirements. The motor was not only powerful and reliable, meeting his needs in terms of parameters, but it was also stable and perfect for his customer's needs.

Communication and Problem Solving

There are a number of issues that need to be addressed in the communication process. For example, John PaulBacani was very concerned about the quality of the motor and wanted to make sure it would perform well and meet the customer's expectations. We worked closely with John PaulBacani to address his concerns and provided him with detailed information about the motor's specifications, performance and quality. We also provided him with photos and videos of the motor in operation so he could see for himself how it performed. Through this communication and problem-solving process, we were able to build a strong relationship with John PaulBacani and earn his trust.

Customer Testimonials

After John PaulBacani purchased and installed our motor, he gave us feedback that his customer was very happy with the performance and speed of the e-bike. He praised the power, stability and quality of the motor and said it exceeded the customer's expectations. He also expressed his appreciation for the excellent service and support we provided throughout the process and said he would definitely recommend our products to others in the future.

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