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How to Install a Direct-Drive Motor?

  • 2023-02-06

We'll guide you through the installation process for a direct-drive motor in this post, from collecting your equipment to inspecting the finished result.

Why is the hub motor used?

  • 2023-02-03

While it's generally less sophisticated, a hub drive system offers simplicity, lower cost, and enough pedal-assist power for commuting, and even off-road applications. It offers assist based on cadence rather than torque, so you can still get plenty of assist even if you're not pedaling as hard.

Do hub motors have pedal assistance?

  • 2023-02-02

While it's generally less sophisticated, a hub drive system offers simplicity, lower cost, and enough pedal-assist power for commuting, and even off-road applications. It offers assist based on cadence rather than torque, so you can still get plenty of assist even if you're not pedaling as hard.

Do hub motors have more torque?

  • 2023-02-01

Hub motors (like Van Raam's motors) have a long lifespan. However, many e-bikes have a mid-drive motor, which always has a higher torque than the hub motor. However, you should not compare these torques one-to-one. The power of the motor is called the torque, which is expressed in Newton metres (Nm).


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